"Αεί ο Θεός ο Μέγας γεωμετρεί" Πλάτων (427 π.Χ. – 347 π.Χ.)

Topographic Products

Topographic Diagrams

HMGS has produced about 12.950 topographic diagrams (contour maps and/or topographic detail) of scale 1:5.000 which cover the whole country. A small percentage (1%) of them exists in vector format while there is also a number of diagrams in raster and raster georeferenced format. Within the context of the 3rd Framework Programme (co-funded by EU), all topographic diagrams 1:5.000 will be scanned and georeferenced. HMGS also produces topographic diagrams of scales 1:500, 1:1.000 and 1:2.000.

Elevation Contour Lines

HMGS provides elevation contour lines at 20m interval for the whole country, digitized from 1:5.000 or 1:50.000 scale maps. Contours are provided according to the 1:5.000 mapsheet boundaries. The minimum order is one mapsheet.

Digital terrain Model (DTM)

HMGS has produced and provides digital terrain data (DTM) in resolution analysis of 30m, 100m. and 250m. Data are provided for a rectangular area per square kilometer. The minimum order area is 12 sq.km.

Copyright (c) 2017 Hellenic Military Geographical Service