"Αεί ο Θεός ο Μέγας γεωμετρεί" Πλάτων (427 π.Χ. – 347 π.Χ.)


The HMGS Museum is located within the Paparrodos Base Camp premises, at Evelpidon Avenue near Pedion Areos area. It comprises two separate exhibition areas. At the central room there are exhibits such as Geodetic-Topography instruments and related equipment, Historic maps, Topographic diagrams, Aerial photos-Photomosaic, extracts of the geodetic field metrics archive, historic technical manuals, photographs and the library historic archive. The new exhibition room displays exclusive photogrammetry scientific instruments, phototheodolites and aerial-photo topography metrics machinery, used by HMGS personnel, along with samples of cartography products.

The Museum visitation involves elementary school and high school students, university level students, Academic institutions having related disciplines, students of Military Academies, official visitors to HMGS and professionals with specialized interest.

The guided visit to the Museum provides a concise background brief of:

  • The HMGS 130-year course and achievements that are closely interlinked with Greece’s geodetic and cartography evolution.
  • The past and current scientific developments in the Geodesy, Topography, Photogrammetry and Cartography.

Contact details:

Email: mouseio_gys@army.gr

Tel: (+30) 210 8206655
        (+30) 210 8206767

Copyright (c) 2017 Hellenic Military Geographical Service